The New Factories!

In the 21st Century Corporations have become the new factories. They treat their employees like a metric game. They expect production norms to apply to professional careers as well as their plant employees. They expect nothing less than they’re numbers on a spread sheet. Many forget some important things, people have feelings and limited amounts of time to give to tasks. People are not robots or machines. Many people have financial responsibilities that require a certain income to be met in order to accept jobs.

The US has become a third world country for many americans instead of a prosperous country with opportunities. Many have watched their income become slashed to that of an unskilled worker and are treated as such. Universities are not a key to a better living any more. Tech & Trade schools are an opportunity to reclaim one’s independence and freedom. Working for one’s self is the only key to determining how much you will make based on this current economy.

This is a very crucial time, we will see if the next American Revolution is around the corner as people get pushed to a breaking point.

Penny J (MN, USA)


What will you be giving up?

This time of year people think of it as a time to make a sacrifice in their life. Why not think of it as a time to purge the things or people who you’ve out grown. It might be a time to stop allowing people to dump their drama all over your life.

Yes, life happens and there are unexpected events that occur beyond our control. There are also cause and effect dramas that are not beyond Peoples control too. Instead of trying to solve everyone’s problems. See if they can’t start learning from their mistakes. These are the one’s that they caused all by themselves.

Think of it almost as parenting skills to allow a person to find their own solutions on their own journey in life. Sometimes life gets really dirty and messy too. No one learns anything when people are constantly rescuing them from themselves.

This is not to say that you shouldn’t be emotionally supportive when life throws a person a curve ball that no one expected. Sometimes these lessons are a test to help a person learn new skills or to make them emotionally stronger to survive a future event.  This does not mean the person is a bad person and that’s why these things happened to them.

Just remember everything that you’ve learned is never a waste of time. You will use it in some capacity in the future to help yourself or others.

Sometimes it companies or services that we’re forced to use that are causing us unnecessary stress and drama. If it’s a company that you work for? Maybe its time to look for a different position either inside or outside of that company. If it’s a service, you always have the right to refuse to use it. There is nothing worse than a service that consistently is not meeting it’s promises.

Caller Id like voice mail is designed as a tool to weed out unnecessary calls. Weed out is the key word here. If your goal is to have more peace in your life your going to have to weed that garden sometime. You will be amazed at how much more peaceful and enjoyable your life becomes.

Penny J (MN, USA)