
Do you choose your parents? Maybe? What do I mean by that? If you choose your parents, it’s because you had something to teach them or learn from them. Here’s the thing, if either of you refuses to do your homework. Contract over! No one can do the work or the learning for someone else. Is this a pass fail? No! When your ready, the home work will always be waiting for you!

This home work, doesn’t have a teacher or a parent constantly nagging you to finish it! Some of you are here to just be! That means drinking in the experiences of breathing, touch, feel, taste, smell. Test driving your emotions! Yes, emotions! Spirit doesn’t have those! It just is! Spirit watches events unfold and does not understanding the emotional attachment to being stuck and not being able to see the next step to resolve the problem. It doesn’t understand fear? It knows the energetic signature of love! No, I’m not talking about romantic love either.

Just as your Angels, don’t understand why their charge would never ask for help from them when they don’t know the answer! I’ve seen this with deceased children that are stuck in a hellish realm of being stuck between dimensions. All because clergy told them that they were going to hell and needed to ask for forgiveness for their very existence. Just as we might not see our angels in our everyday existence while alive. The dead, don’t see them automatically either. Just by calling out to them for help, will allow them to participate in both the living and the dead. For the dead, it can be a game changer by showing them the way home.

Getting back to the contracts! I had two contracts with my parents. I was born, a healer. I was a very great healer in many life times, but I also was a warrior in some of those life times to change things up a little. Both of my parents, came from very different types of abuse. Both needed to heal those wounds, both refused to take advantage of the opportunity to heal those wounds. Either way, it’s not my responsibility to do the work for them. I also saw a pattern with my ex-husband that he needed to heal. He did take a little bit of a different path from where he’d been stuck for centuries.

I also had to heal somethings from the the 1400’s. I cleaned up, one side of the triangle over a fifteen year period. Then tackling the last pieces of the triangle so there was nothing left to work on! Homework finally, completed!

So good work on your contracts and working on your homework!

Penny J. (MN, USA)

Candid Camera

Many of you might remember “Candid Camera” around the 70’s and then it would show up here and there. Then there was “Punk’d” around 2003. The funny or not so funny thing, was while you thought these series were funny and how could any one seriously fall for all this stuff!

The thing is that the public was being played for much longer than any of those series. The sources that we trusted to give us an unbias look at what is always going on around us. Mind control was being used on the public to play with their emotions and manipulate their thinking and getting them to react. There were many people that were in denial about this very fact. There was the question of ethics and conscience. No one could possibly do this without feeling a sense of remorse.

For normal people with a conscience this might be true. Not for people that don’t have such baggage as a conscience. For them, it’s just business as usual. They see nothing wrong with controlling the masses. In fact they love controlling people, It gives them some kind of satisfaction. It’s more of a game for them and a battle of thinking and a test of wills. Actually more of an adrenaline rush.

Makes one wonder, if these people are possessed or even really humans or something else entirely? Are we really seeing human beings? or something else entirely? They are committed to creating divide. You can look around you and wonder how the people; you thought were your friends and can’t see what’s going on? It’s as though they’re hypnotized or in trance. You might begin to wonder when the hell they’re going to wake up? In the end, you will have to move forward with your reality to keep yourself from being swallowed up by the insanity.

Penny J. (MN, USA)



The Masks

The masks, who are they really protecting? Are they protecting the public or the politicians. Are we seeing the players for who they are? or who they want us to believe they are? It can be such a slippery slope. Many a politician has taken acting classes. Not because they love the Arts so much, but to ensure that there is no tell to give them away. It’s serious business to fool the public so that you can control them like a puppet master.

Now is the time to see who is or isn’t wearing their mask? Is it your neighor or your politician? Will you turn on each other and allow people to divide you and the masses or will you stand strong and not be divided. Who will see whats really going on, on this stage of life we call a reality? Are you seeing what’s really going on? or what you want to believe is going on?

Who will see the truth or believe a lie? Are you actually living your life or only sleep walking through it? That zombie apocalypse is real! Are you awake or only think you are? My, my, so many questions! Are you paying attention to all the players or only think you are? Did you really think those masks were to protect you from a virus and not to silence your voice as a nation. Beware that you don’t let them permanently silence you forever!

The next scene playing out will test how aware and awake you are? May you win at this very deadly game called life! May you whip off your mask and take back all of your freedoms and remove those masks of your oppressors to reveal their true motives and identities! May you win well! After all, your fighting for your life now!

Penny J. (MN, USA)


Mars Retrograde

Well mars definitely did it’s thing. It also had some help with other planets that joined the party. It brought the war energy in like it always does. It never disappoints! There are many States and Cities that have been impacted by that energy!

It allowed people to get to know who their local government really is! Is it lip service for another election or did it really have the people’s back? It brought some communities together and ripped others apart. In some Cities, thereĀ  was violence and chaos. Just for the sake of violence and Chaos!

Others demonstrated peacefully, The one’s who took advantage of the situation just to destroy things will have their day of reckoning as they are forced to make restitution to those communities that they victimized and terrorised. The politicians responsible will also be having that same day in court as they are forced to make full restitution to the public; whose trust they abused.

This theater is getting more interesting every day! Oh the emails will tell all! Thought you deleted and destroyed all the evidence! Well there are unseen forces demanding Justice! Those voice mailes that were never supposed to be heard! My how the tongues are wagging now!

That’s what happens when you mess with the Goddess Athena and the God Mercury! Don’t forget we’re still in Mercury retrograde as well! Funny how mythology isn’t so much mythe as you’d have people believe! Oh may the truth rain down like hail falling from the sky.

Penny J. (MN, USA)