What’s Your Reality?

I find it very interesting that people can have the truth stareing them right in the face and still try to find some way to explain it away. Denial is a very interesting thing. When things start to become uncomfortable. Instead of facing it head on. Come up with some bullshit reason.

Here’s the thing about reality. You can run but you can’t hide. Eventually it will become so in your face that you will either have to roll with it. If you choose to fight it. I can only wish you well. It will be a very exhausting process. Oh and you will not win! Sounds like a Borg statement right from Star Trek.

Well it’s part of the change game. Change is going to happen with or without you. Being resistant to growth and change will only be harder on you. There are a lot of changes going on at this time on our planet and in the galaxy right now. All I can say is make sure your seatbelt is buckled.

The economy is definitely worse than it was in 2000. It’s worse than it was in 2008-09. It is even worse than the Great Depression. There is a good point, the banks that were responsible for the crash in the 20’s is also the same one’s responsible for the crash in 2008-09. Well some of them are having to pay some very hefty fines for their participation in that scam.

The truth is coming out more and more.

Penny J. (MN,USA)







Recently, I looked down at my fingers and noticed for the first time. A scar that had been on my fingers since I was eleven was finally gone. Which is sort of interesting since I’ve been doing a lot of house cleaning in my personal life. I had made a decision in 2006, that those family members that weren’t positive influences would have to go. I had been doing this year after year.

Finally the last few people who had to go were last year. It gets pretty easy when they’ve finally crossed the final boundary. I did notice other changes in other areas of my life as well. More opportunities coming in from different areas of my life. Some of the things are reminisce of when I was in my early 20’s.

Some people think that only soldiers suffer from post traumatic stress. The truth is that all people whether its emotional or physical scars suffer from this syndrom. Each person has to face their demons on their own terms and deal with it when they are ready.

People that think these people should just move on or not dwell on it have no clue. Certain situations can trigger these memories. Some people will get help from a trained therapist. This is one of the best things for them as long as the therapist feels comfortable for that individual.

Others choose to go it alone thinking that they can some how get a grip on it themselves. This is true for some people but not all. It takes being extremely honest with yourself. Not all people can do this. This is one of the reasons why support groups have formed to make it a safe environment for those individuals that might not be ready for therapy.

All of these changes are about taking one step at a time. It takes a lot of bravery to admit that you can’t do it alone. This doesn’t make the individual crazy. It’s a healing process that can take time. Some people will go to a therapist for a while and then take a break and come back to them when their ready again. This is perfectly normal.

I always encourage my clients to see someone that they are comfortable with. It’s a step in taking back control of your life.

Penny J. (MN, USA)

Raven Hawke, Llc